Assist the priest during the celebration of the Mass. Anyone who has received his or her First Communion is eligible to participate in training for Altar Servers.
Asisten a la Misa, llevan crucifijo y preparan el altar. Debe haber recibido la Primera Comunión.
We encourage you to consider participating in the Mass as a Lector. You proclaim the Word of God and lead the congregation in the intercessory prayer during the Prayer of the Faithful.
Lee la primera y la segunda lectura, Oraciones de los Fieles. Abierto a los miembros ya Confimados.
A Eucharistic Minister distributes the Body and Blood of Christ during the celebration of the Mass. Other privileges include the holy task of taking the Eucharist to shut-ins and those in the hospital.
Dar la Santa Comunión durante la Santa Misa. Abierto a los de High School y arriba, quienes ya han sido Confirmados.
Music is an integral part of our worship! We are always looking for those who want to share their musical talents.
New voices are welcome. If you would like to share your musical talent, please contact the Church Office.
Vocal: dirigir el canto de Misa. Instrumental: acompaῆe a los músicos vocales en la música de la Misa.
You represent our congregation as you present the bread and wine to the priest during the offertory.
Llevan el pan, vino y la limosna.
Make all feel welcome! Welcome parishioners and visitors as they come through the door to join us in worship.
Ofrece bienvenida y hospitalidad para la comunidad que se está reuniendo.
Ushers serve God by maintaining an atmosphere of reverence and friendliness before, during and after Mass. They help people find a place to sit, collect the offerings and distribute the weekly bulletin.
Saludar a las personas cuando ingresan al edificio, pasar cestas de limosna, y brindar orientación durante la Sagrada Comunión.
A large library is available for those interested in exploring more deeply their faith. Our librarian keeps the shelves organized and catalogs new material.
Mantener la biblioteca parroquial y los recursos disponibles para las familias y individuos.
This individual is responsible for maintaining the historical records of our Church. Not only the names and dates of our many events but the treasure trove of anecdotal information for the past 150 years is organized and preserved for future generations.
Preservar y mantener el patrimonio histórico y los registros de la parroquia para las generaciones futuras.
Researching and documenting the facts that surround our parish and the community in which we serve falls under the purview of our Historian.
Maintaining our webpage with up-to-date information is the job of the Webmaster.
A group of elected parishioners tasked with advising our Pastor on matters related to both the spiritual and physical needs of our parish.
Lideres en la parroquia colaboran con el Pastor para llevar a cabo la misión parroquial. Miembros son elegidos para tres años. Las reuniones son mensuales.
Appointed parishioners who advise our Pastor and the Pastoral Council on matters of finance (including the budget) and administrative issues for the success of our Parish.
Vigilan la buena administración, finanzas y recursos de la parroquia. Debe tenerse un fondo financiero. Los miembros son designados por el Pastor. Las reuniones son mensuales generalmente.
Those who coordinate the praise and worship activities of our Hispanic community.
Volunteers who meet with Father to discuss and advise on the aspects of worship.
Those who work to spread the Word of God by reaching out to lapsed Catholics, visitors to our Church and the community-at-large.
Aumentar la comprensión de la fe a cada miembro en la parroquia. Ayuda al Pastor con el alcance a los católicos alejados.
This group works with Father to plan and implement our religious education programs.
Asista al Pastor a organizar y programar la formación de fe. Ayude en reclutar a las profesores.
All women of the parish are considered members of the Ladies’ Guild. They plan social events as well as celebrations of significant religious events in the lives of our parishioners.
Ayude con las funciones de la parroquia, juntar fondos, caridad, organizar actividades sociales, y alcance a la comunidad.
Join us one Saturday a month! Help us keep the bushes trimmed, flowers blooming and any other task that might need attention with respect to our physical plant.
Asistir en el mantenimiento de la propriedad parroquial entera. Ayudar al Pastor y todo los grupos según sea necesario.
Middle and High School students are members of the Youth Group. In addition to various activities they participate in diocesan youth oriented events.
Trabaje con jóvenes en edad de escuela secundaria, ayudándoles a crecer en la fe.
People dedicated to providing our children with their religious education through high school. They prepare our children for the Sacraments of Holy Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmation.
Summer time fun, learning about our faith through planned activities.
A Catholic-based Fraternal Organization engaged in charity (local and global in scope), Life Insurance, and faith-based institutional investing. Membership is open to men over the age of 18.
Este grupo fraternal de hombres Católicos se reunen con otros caballeros de la parroquia de Cristo Rey. Trabajan los proyectos de caridad y servicio a la communidad. Debe tener 18 años y arriba.
A parishioner led community outreach program providing food, clothing, shelter and various other necessities to our community.
Voluntarios se reunen cada martes y asisten a los pobres y necesitados para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.
Please contact the Church Office if you are interested in participating in any of these ministries.